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Lelané (Lanie) Rossouw-Bancroft is a Lino printmaker & fine artist who resides with her husband in Newark, Delaware in the United States of America.

Lanie was born on the east coast of South Africa in 1977. She graduated from art college in South Africa with a certificate in textile design & printmaking.

After many years of work in the fashion retail industry, her love for long distance open water swimming brought her to the shores of the USA in 2009 where she spent the following 10 years teaching swimming and coaching swim teams. 

It was only during the Covid pandemic that Lanie found her way back to her true passion of printmaking and also recently discovering the art of watercolor & acrylic painting.

She is currently a member, volunteer gallery monitor & art teacher the Newark Arts Alliance.


I have always had a deep love for the ocean and no matter what I create, my connection to water always seems to be represented in it, be it through textures, colors or the mood portrayed through my paintings and designs.

Being a mermaid at heart, I think it is of utmost importance that we protect and preserve all bodies of water and I hope to inspire people to do so through the art which I create.

My love and celebration of vibrant colors and textures is a true representation and influence of my upbringing in South Africa and I hope to transport you to world of fantasy, and perhaps sometimes reality, through my art.


Live in wonder,




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